The Trust’s initial focus was to secure the park and its heritage sites by way of the erection of a fence around its perimeter with access through defined gateways which are closed at night. The park has been secured, and the Trust is in a position to coordinate and facilitate its longer-term goals towards the restoration and rehabilitation of the park, including: 

  • Maintaining the safety and security of the park, closing the park in the evenings and appointing security officers to patrol the park and its borders;
  • Rehabilitation of the natural environment and the commissioning of clean-up projects;
  • Securing the heritage sites contained within the park;
  • Developing educational initiatives for city schools, with a focus on environmental awareness and conservation;
  • Installing recreational areas, running and biking tracks, picnic spots, and other community-minded resources for the public to enjoy;
  • General maintenance of the Park, its environment, security, and facilities on a long term basis; and
  • Fundraising events.

Project Phases

The Trust has achieved the phased projects as follows:

Phase 1 : R2 901 949 (secured in excess of R3m)

The first phase was to secure the park, inclusive of the access points along Bridle Road and Beulah Terrace, by way of a fence, gateways and a security presence.   Clearview/Betaview type fencing was used and the defined gateways are based on the design drawings prepared by the architect (see illustrated layout and drawings).   The section below Homeleigh Avenue will be fenced as part of Phase 2.

Phase 2 : R1,523,402

The second phase of the project would be –

  • To provide security presence in the park for a further period of 24 months from June 2023 to secure and conserve the natural environment, including its fauna and flora, biosphere and the Platteklip stream, to prevent littering and to ensure that the general public can use and enjoy the park in a safe environment
  • To fence the perimeter of the area below Homeleigh Avenue – adjoining Highlands House and along Capel Road as soon as building plan approval is obtained from the City of Cape Town. Please take note that sufficient funds and commitments were secured during the initial fundraising to complete this part of Phase 2 but that the Trust is awaiting building plan approval from the City before it can proceed;
  • To complete landscaping furniture and artwork depicted on the drawings; and
  • To construct a new section to the mountain bike course in order to ensure that the park remains activated.

Phase 3 : R2,000,000

(provisional amount)

To complete the gatehouse.
The construction of an amphitheatre, installation of lights, construction of a boardwalk along the stream, to link up to the boardwalks higher up, and establishment of a fynbos garden.
If sufficient funds are raised during the second fundraising then such portions of phase 3 for which funds are available could be implemented simultaneously with phase 2.
Improvements by the City which have already been made includes an outdoor gym, children’s play area, a walkway and lighting. The City is also planning the construction of a boule piste.